king dong

CRank: 5Score: 8790

how many shooters in ps3 list turd??

4652d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

what if i chose to play this on my 360, then i cant even join a party chat????

is this true? why would they deactivate that?

4652d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment
4652d ago Show

pirate troll, just go away. you know not much, and you are extremely annoying.

"I'd be pretty confident that Nintendo have completlely lost sight of how to build hardware" you're nothing but a internet fanboy (of the sony variety), wtf do you know about building hardware? or game development??

4654d ago 9 agree6 disagreeView comment

lol but if this was a sony insider saying that something from sony was in development hell, pirate thom would be on the attack, and claiming it was from an xbox fanboy.

4654d ago 15 agree5 disagreeView comment

@ major

i know. its just sad that the mods are not allowed to do anything that can potentially hurt the amount of traffic blogs4fanboys gets.

thats why the worst trolls on the net are allowed to raom free, where on any other decent site they would be i.p banned. they even shamelessly had an "open zone" especially to get the idiots that no other community wanted lol unbelievable!!

thats why any junk no matter how bad is allowed. if h...

4657d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

come on is this a joke??

a ps fansite writing this junk just for hits from n4g. ffs this is not news!!!!! just leeching hits from the sony fanboy heaven which is n4g.

great job mods.

by the way, i will be getting bf3 on my ps3. nto because of two discs, but because all my pals will be on the ps3.

this should be banned, and playstationfanboystyle blacklisted.

@ morganfail, do you have proof of what you just wr...

4657d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

they can stick that right up their hairy cracks!!

4659d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

both 360 and ps3 fanboys are pathetic! and i am sure i will see you in the npd thread that will drop in a couple of weeks.

4665d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

pathetic is idiots like you two that for some reason get erect when they sea these threads..

but i am sure you will both be all over the npd numbers when they show the 360 ahead of the precious.


4665d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

flying things that transform into walking things... oh yes, day one!!!!

man that looked good.

4669d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

what is this?? i mean seriously! i come on here to look for some gaming news, and i am confronted with the usual, wrote for fanboys and hits rubbish.

come on, its a given that u3 will look incredible, i have already pre-ordered it, but who apart from the fanboys care if it has the beztz grafixz this century???

ffs, this is the problem without impartial mods controlling the content

4671d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"sony respects gamers"

and blogs4fanboys just lap this wrote-especially-for-n4g shit up. jesus ban this rubbish.

4672d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

how things change, not so long ago Gabe was public enemy No 1 on blogs4fanboys, and l4d was crap blah blah...

now he says some nice thing about sony, and all the faithful about face, and love him lol

you couldnt make it up

4673d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

i was gonna post saying that this would upset some people on n4g..... and what do you know, the first comment is from someone not happy. !!

i love n4g

4681d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

lol ofcourse newleaf. dont you know that these fanturds live in some alternate reality.

have a bubble

4681d ago 8 agree8 disagreeView comment

and why do idiot sony fanboys play down the numbers for the worlds biggest market, but soil their underwear when anything that supports sony is shown?????

it goes both ways, sony, xbox, nintendo and pc fanboys are nothing but mindless forum spoiling idiots.

its just a shame that n4g is site full of them.. but fan idiots of the sony variety

4681d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

why oh why. please tell me why you seem pleased to see a well balanced comment, when in fact you are tone of the worst sony defenders on here??

all the time i see you leaping to sonys defence or picking apart anyone that says anything ever so slightly against sony??

ffs you're a pathetic fanboy, everyone knows it, just come out of the closet

4681d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment


you talk out of your arse, and your opinion is just that. i thought for years that the dualshock was the best controller, but IMO, the 360 pad destroys it in comfort and accuracy.

i even bought a cross battle adaptor and wired 360 pad for my ps3.

the dualshock is better for sports games, but for everything elsethe 360 pad is the one to use IMO

watch the sony disagree...idiots

4694d ago 2 agree14 disagreeView comment

to all the people asking why it went tps.. i thought that the cheap fuckers used the saints row engine, and didn't have to splash out on a new engine for rf.. hence tps rf!

guerrila was a good game though... shame.

if my feelings are right, then thq have no one but their sorry cheap selves to blame!

first off they let kaos ruin homefront especially the multiplayer, when frontlines multiplayer was great, now this!

kaos onl...

4696d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment